Have a Goat Day, or, Kids on the Nibble


A sun snapping day

fills up
                        spreads out

hurry           hurray
run       j    mp     boun     ing
hours of play 

hands become hooves
clo ven          heads
sprout small horns
so many supple sillies
giddy fillies
frisk   rollick   cavort  

        leaping at laundry
    running from wool-ves
they natter and neigh in a specially
mis-chie-vous goateed way  

ding gong-ong- ong- ong- ong
dinner call for the drove 

clatter up clip
clop stairs
snap clapping for chomps 

spout lips out
pluck up al-fal-
fa sprouts in a bowl
all fall for
alfa falfa
nibble chomp shout
all very good falfa
not a doubt     pull lips 
back yes          all so smiley   
bared incisors
flash    crunch
carrots  cukes   kohlrabi
crunk-a-chunk   crop-a-munch-bunch 

graze greens please
rocket mizuna
buttercrunch   bibb
spoon boats of dressed groats
quinoa  kasha  oats
champ springy
plump grain  roundabout slowly
again and again 

molars grind   
cool iceberg leaves
  attention drifts                     
      quiet filly sillies ruminate
what to bite next 

why sample the napkins
gnaw on the straws
just simply because
kids are on the neigh nong nibble 

on the trick tock tickle
riddle me giggle
for hours and hours
green blue and glorious

sonorous roarious
rustle and tussle
hulla bulla        bam     boo
until there’s a
      i     p          

 pinch   pink     blue
           punch     roar   you hulla
me       bulla
            bam too boo
            snap    bite . . .
 boo bam bulla hulla tussle
not quite fight 

Hey hey hey
That’s enough now
Mama says

time for you all to
break up your horse
play     hit
the hay            don’t you nay
my say
listen now care fully 

hoof on up to your goat
beds        stopping
only real quick to shine
your teeth
you know how
use that brush on a stick
plus a dab of pepper
mint polish 

then buck on
under your eider
down fall deep
my beauteous billies 

into dreams and sleep
hurry now my nimble nannies 

go        at
those beds clippety
clop     zippety chop  

hop in     lie down     curl
up        you cheeky bouncy lot

all goat bed comfy   now
sleepily     sleepily     sleep….